If you're currently planning your meals for the week, a fortnight, or even an entire month, and you have a grocery store close by, give it a try and see how you like making up your meals and cooking on a day-by-day basis. This will come in particularly handy if you have a big garden, or you like to take advantage of daily
deals at the store. Of course this also allows you to turn left-overs into new meals the next day and it will force you to use up what you have on hand before it has a chance to go bad.
One tool that's become indispensable for me when cooking this way is my Instant Pot. It allows you to cook meals quickly and take advantage of deals for fresh or frozen meat, including those tougher cuts of beef or pork that require long roasting or cooking times.
If you're interested to learn more about how I put frugal meals on the table with this electric kitchen appliance, grab a copy of my latest Kindle cookbook full of tips and recipes: