... and with it a whole new set of challenges for moms, dads and grandparents. With the last day of school our regular routines go out the window. Summer's about sleeping in, little
ones being bored, heading to the pool, packing for a family vacation, tearing the kids away from video games, encouraging them to read, and in general trying to reign in the chaos that ensues when the days get longer, the weather gets hot, and summer is here.
It's a lot of fun, but it can be exhausting at times... which is why my friend Tracy and I think you deserve a treat. And like in summers past, it's coming in the form of our annual Super Spectacular Summer
We're putting the finishing touches on it right now. Look for an announcement on Thursday.
Last year, we thought we hit it out of the park... just wait until you see what we cooked up for you this year....