[HBHW News] Beef Stroganoff, Cake and DIY Bath Rugs

Published: Wed, 01/20/16


Hello ,
Hi there and welcome to the next edition of the HBHW newsletter. My little girl is turning 13 today. She's officially a teenager. Time has been flying these last few years. I couldn't be prouder of the amazing young woman she's turning into. 

Enough gushing from this proud mama though. I have gifts to finish and wrap, a cake to bake and a special late lunch to fix. The rest of the day will be busy with after school meetings, homework and such.  I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but this school year seems a lot busier than any of past ones. 

Now, let's move on to the actual newsletter issue. Today I have a another family favorite for you this week. . Beef Stroganoff makes a great weeknight dinner. 

Today's tip is something you can do with those old bath towels. Instead of tossing them or just cutting them up to use as rags, turn them into something practical, useful and pretty. 

The featured article of the week is full of tips to help you get a better night's rest. I've been finding this more and more important as I get older and our life gets busier. I hope you find these tips helpful as well. 

There's also a  "I"m Looking for Request" take a look and see if you can help out a fellow HBHW readers. 

If you have a recipe you're looking for, email me at susanne@hillbillyhousewife.com and I'd be glad to feature it and give you my own input. HBHW readers are an amazing resource when it comes to lost recipes as well. 



German Rhubarb Cake

I'm Looking For

I am looking for a cake that my mother used to make. It was a little like apfel kuchen (apple cake) but it had rubarb on it. She made it when we were stationed in Minnesota and we had lots of wild rhubarb around the farmhouse we were renting.
Any ideas would be appreciated.


Please click through to the post here and share your suggestions, ideas and recipes.

Inspirational Quote
"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home."

-Edith Sitwell
Featured Recipe of the Week

Beef and Mushroom Stroganoff

  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 8 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 cups water
  • 3 beef bouillon cubes
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose white flour
  • 1/2 cup cold water
  • 1 to 1-1/2 cups yogurt or sour cream

Fry up your meat in a large skillet. Drain off any fat if necessary. Break the meat up into small bits as you cook it. Add the onion, garlic and mushrooms. Saute all together until the onions and mushrooms are tender.
Add the water, beef bouillon, and pepper. Bring to a boil over medium head.

Meanwhile, combine the white flour and 1/2-cup cold water in a small jar with a good lid. Screw the lid on and shake the mixture until the flour is dissolved into the water.

Pour this slurry into the boiling mixture on the stove. Simmer for a few minutes to thicken. Remove the skillet from the heat and allow it to sit until all boiling stops. Stir in the yogurt or sour cream. Mix well.

Serve over egg noodles. This recipe makes about 5 servings.

You're welcome to share the recipe on Pinterest, Facebook etc. I'm also sharing a lot of recipes on the HBHW Facebook page. Click on through to check it out. As always, likes, comments and shares are much appreciated. :)Barbecue Chicken

    Homemade Beef Stroganoff
    Homemade Mixes

    Kindle News 

    Making your own mix from scratch rather than buying it in the store not only saves you money but also saves you from all the additives and preservatives that are put in the foods we buy. 

    A couple more great things about making your own mixes is they are simple to make, and usually economical. Scale to make a batch as large or small as you like. 

    I love creating great recipes from scratch that nourishes my family’s bodies and making my own mixes fits right into my plan. If you really want to create good, healthy food for your family as well, make foods with real ingredients. 

    Order the Book on Amazon


    Frugal Fun on Facebook

    We're having a lot of fun talking about all things frugal and homemaking on Facebook.  Join in the discussion at the Hillbilly Housewife Facebook page. Be sure to like the page so you don't miss a thing. Here's just one of this week's topics. 

    Learning From Our Grandparents
    Frugal Tip

    Homemade Towel Rug

    Do you have some old bath towels that have seen their better day? We all have them and since I’m living frugally and trying to reuse and recycle everything I can, I’m always looking for new ideas.

    We’re at that time in our live where all the good quality towels we received many, many years ago as wedding presents are falling apart. I’ve cut some of them up to use as rags, but there are only so many dusting and cleaning rags and shop towels you need.

    The video below couldn’t have come at a better time. I just replaced another couple of towels with new ones (for Christmas) and had the old ones sitting in my craft cabinet waiting to be turned into something else. I’ll be spending the weekend making a new bathroom rug out of old towels.

    All you need is 3 old bath towels, a needle, thread and a pair of scissors.

    DIY Bath Towel Rug

    What do you think of this idea? Is it something you would try?

    Got any other good ideas for things to make from old towels?

    Homemade Convenience Foods

    HBHW Recommends 

    Homemade Convenience Foods 

    Make even more convenience foods right at home! You'll save money, control ingredients, and avoid expensive "fast foods" when you start making your own favorite convenience foods. 

    Click on here to find out about our informative resource Homemade Convenience Foods - and dig into over 200 recipes for handy convenience foods you can make at home.

    Eliminate those prepackaged foods from your pantry, eat healthier and cheaper while still cooking fast. Order your copy today!

    Featured Article of the Week

    10 Tips to Wake Up Refreshed and Raring to Go Every Day

    Are you tired of being tired? Tired of waking up to a blaring alarm clock after spending the night tossing and turning? Tired of needing insane amounts of coffee just to get out the door? We have ten tips for you to help you get a good night’s sleep. Wake up refreshed and raring to go every single day.

    #10 Relax
    What’s your favorite way to wind down and relax? Is it reading a good book, listening to some soft music, taking a bubble bath, knitting? Find one or two relaxing things you like to do and make time for them before it’s time to hit the hay. Even just a few minutes of flipping through a magazine while sipping some herbal tea can do wonders for your sleep.

    #9 Avoid Caffeine and Sugar Late In The Day
    You don’t give your kids a big candy bar right before bedtime, right? So skip that caramel late with the double shot of espresso on the way home from work. Yes it’s tempting to go for a sugary snack or a caffeinated beverage when you’re tired in the afternoon and still have to get through homework with the kids and making dinner. It might help for a little while, but will prolong the sleeping problem. Give it up for a few weeks and see if you don’t get a better rest and more energy throughout the day.

    #8 Create A Soothing Environment
    Walk into your bedroom and take a good look around. Is it a calm and soothing environment that helps you drift off to sleep? Or is it a messy dumping ground for anything you can’t find room for elsewhere in the house? Spend a little time decluttering and cleaning your bedroom. Get out any TV and other gadgets that will keep you from sleeping. The fewer electronic devices in there the better. Instead, spruce things up with a new comforter and some pretty throw pillows. Keep your favorite book on the night table and make sure you have some soft light to read by before dozing off.

    #7 Avoid bright lights and electronics right before bed.
    A little later on we’ll talk about how we can use bright lights to our advantage in the morning. At night though, you want to tone it down. Dim the lights and avoid looking at a bright screen. If you have to have your computer, iPad or phone on, consider adding a program like “Twilight” that will dim the screen and block out some of the blue light that signals to your brain that it’s daytime.

    #6 Keep It Cool, Calm and Comfortable
    How comfortable is your bed? How about the pillows? It may be time to invest in a new mattress if yours has some age on it. And make sure you have decent pillows that support your neck. You can find pillows specifically designed for your sleep position. Make sure you bed is comfortable and the room is calm and soothing. We find it also helps to turn down the temperature and open a window (depending on the season) to help us sleep. Fresh air and cool room (with a comfy blanket) will have you sleeping in no time.

    #5 Skip The Nap
    When you haven’t been sleeping well, it’s tempting to lay down for a quick nap in the afternoon. You get a little rest and feel better, but come bedtime you’re still wide awake. Tough it out for a few days and skip those naps to give your body a chance to get back to its natural sleep cycle.

    #4 Use Bright Light To Wake You Up
    We are hard coded to be awake during the day and sleep at night. Get a little sunshine or use a bright light in the morning to help you wake up. Give it a try … it works better than that strong cup of coffee and will help your body establish a natural sleep and wake cycle.

    #3 Go For A Walk
    Something as simple as a 15 minute walk will do wonders to help you sleep. Of course it doesn’t have to be walking… any exercise done regularly will do. We love walking because it gets us out in the fresh air and it’s easy to do.

    #2 Create a bedtime routine
    If it works well for your toddler, it’ll work for you too. Come up with your own little bedtime ritual. Put on Pjs, brush your teeth, curl up in the bed and read for 10 minutes or meditate. Keep doing the same things night after night to signal to your brain that it’s time to go to sleep.

    #1 Stick to the same bedtime
    If you don’t do anything else, please give this a serious try. Sticking to roughly the same bedtime every night (even on the weekends) helps you get into a good sleep rhythm. We realize this isn’t possible for everyone, but unless you are working swing shifts or the likes, do your bed to go to bed at a certain time. You also want to get up close to your usual wake-up time. After a few weeks your body gets the point and you’ll start feeling sleepy at 11pm and are waking up at 7 am even on a Sunday morning.

    There you have it. Give any and all of these tips a try. Focus on #1 first and make sure that happens to see the biggest difference. After that mix and match the rest of our tips until you find the right mix for you to help you get the restful sleep your body needs and deserves.

    10 Tips to Wake Up Refreshed and Raring to Go Every Day
    Please don't forget to "Pin" these articles and posts when you head to the Hillbilly Housewife website to read more. It helps get the word out about the site and the newsletter. Thank you!

    A Little Something Inspirational...


    A Blessed Life

    Final Thought

    That's it from me for this week. I better get started on that Birthday Cake so it will cool in time. It will be a busy day filled with work, after school events and of course a little birthday celebration. I'm determined to find 45 in there somewhere to go for my walk. Today will be the 20th day in row :)