Happy New Year

Published: Fri, 01/01/16

Happy New Year!
Hello ,

I'm about to start cooking our traditional New Year's Day meal, but wanted to pop in first to wish you a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. 

I enjoy this day. An entire year lays before us like a blank slate. It has so much potential and makes me plot and plan everything I'd like to get accomplished over the next 12 months. 

It's also a time of new beginnings. The last year was tough for my family. We lost loved ones, struggled financially and had to deal with some health issues. I'm happy to close the books on 2015 and make a fresh start. 

First thing this morning (after coffee of course), I sat down and wrote a blog post that I think you'll enjoy. I share what we always cook for the first day of the New Year and the traditions behind it. 


Lucky New Year's Day Meal

The Hillbilly Housewife
Susanne - The Hillbilly Housewife