Hello ,
We're a bit under the weather today. We've managed to come down with a bad cold complete with plenty of coughing, body aches and a low fever. We'll be taking it easy to day with
some Christmas movies and snuggles on the couch.
We were supposed to go to a Christmas Concert today at a local church, but sadly had to cancel. We'll have to try again next year to start that particular Holiday tradition in our family.
Tonight, my daughter will put out her boot for St. Nickolaus Day. It's s German tradition we've been keeping ever since she was born. I remember the year when she was about 4 or 5. She asked her Dad if
she could borrow his boot for St. Nicholaus Day. She figured he could fit a lot more candy in one of Daddy's big boots :)
I explained it had to be her own boot and that you can't try to trick St. Nicholaus or Santa for that matter. I wrote about our St. Nickolaus traditions on the blog and thought you might enjoy learning a little more about the person that was a big inspiration for Santa.