[HBHW News] Apples, Potato Soup and Free Boxes

Published: Wed, 09/09/15


Hello ,
Hi there and welcome to the next edition of the HBHW newsletter.  We've had some breaks in the rains and thunderstorms this week which was nice. I actually got a chance to head out for a walk a few times since the last newsletter. It's still wet and muggy most of the time though, and we ended up spending a lot of Labor Day weekend inside.

We introduced our daughter to the "Back to the Future" movies which was a lot of fun.  When Marty and Doc move into the future, they go to 2015... it was fun to see how the filmmakers imagined this year. The fashion was hilarious. As an added bonus, I got a lot of knitting done too. 

Let's get into this week's issue. There's a new recipe and a new frugal tip for you this week. For the article, I chose to bring back and old favorite that has been getting a lot of attention via social media and Google the past week - it's about different types of apples and what to use them for. Perfect for fall and apple season I think. 

If you have a recipe you're looking for, email me at susanne@hillbillyhousewife.com and I'd be glad to feature it and give you my own input. HBHW readers are an amazing resource when it comes to lost recipes as well. 



Homemade Soup Mixes

I'm Looking For

I am looking to make homemade powdered cream soups to keep in my pantry. I live away from town and do not drive. Please help.
- Tonya

Please click through to the post here and share your suggestions, ideas and recipes.

Inspirational Quote
“By all these lovely tokens 
September days are here, 
With summer's best of weather 
And autumn's best of cheer."

- Helen Hunt Jackson
Featured Recipe of the Week

Instant Potato Soup Mix

  • 2 cups instant mashed potatoes
  • 1 1/2 cups powdered milk 
  • 2 tbsp instant chicken or vegetable bouillon 
  • 2 tsp dried onion flakes 
  • 1 tbsp dried parsley 
  • 1 tsp garlic salt 
  • 1/4 tsp pepper 
  • 1/4 tsp dried thyme 

Mix everything together in a bowl and store in an airtight container. 

To prepare measure out 1/2 cup of the soup mix in a mug or bowl. Add 1 cup of boiling water and stir until smooth. 

You're welcome to share the recipe on Pinterest, Facebook etc. I'm also sharing a lot of recipes on the HBHW Facebook page. Click on through to check it out. As always, likes, comments and shares are much appreciated. :)

    Instant Potato Soup
    Homemade Bread Recipes

    Kindle News 

    There’s nothing more scrumptious than a warm piece of homemade bread fresh out of the oven. And with these 35 recipes, you’ll have more than just the basic bread to delight your taste buds. From chocolate chip pumpkin to banana to potato, there’s a wide variety of flavorful recipes to choose from. 

    Use them as a tasty breakfast treat or turn a simple soup or stew into a tasty and filling dinner with the addition of baked goods still warm from the oven. 

    Homemade bread is a staple in my frugal household and I’m sure it will become one in your as well.

    Order the Book on Amazon

    Frugal Fun on Facebook

    We're having a lot of fun talking about all things frugal and homemaking on Facebook. Join in the discussion at the Hillbilly Housewife Facebook page. Be sure to like the page so you don't miss a thing. Here's just one of this week's topics. 

    Relaxing after a long week
    Frugal Tip

    How To Get Free Moving Boxes

    Some good friends of ours are getting ready to move and we shared some tips with them for getting free moving boxes. I thought I’d share the same info with you here. Even if you aren’t getting ready to move, these tips may come in handy down the road, or even when you have to reorganize and store some things.

    Plan Ahead 
    I don’t know about you, but we order quite a bit of stuff online these days and have it delivered to the house. When we were getting ready to move this last time, we started saving all boxes months ahead of the move.
    You don’t need huge boxes, even smaller or medium sized ones work well and I actually found it easier to unpack when we got to the new house. To store them, we would cut the tape on both sides and fold them flat. We stored them in a spare room until we were ready to start packing up.

    Of course you don’t need to rely on just your own purchases. Ask family members and friends to save boxes for you as well. Just by putting the word out there, you can get all sorts of boxes. You never know who they may know that works in a place that gets boxes, has recently moved and is looking for boxes to find a new home etc.

    Check At Work And Places of Business You Frequent
    Speaking of work … ask around there as well. Even if your place of work doesn’t get big shipments in on a regular basis, chances are you’ll get office supplies or the likes delivered. Check with the front desk person and ask him or her to save them for you.

    You can do the same with any businesses, restaurants and even your kids school. Be nice about it and make sure you ask at a time when they aren’t super busy. Follow through and go pick up the boxes as soon as you hear back from them.

    How To Get Free Moving Boxes

    Curbside and Recycle Centers
    Our local recycling center has an area where people can leave big boxes that are still in good shape. They are free to pick up. You can also find boxes on the curbside or next to the dumpster of apartment buildings. Keep an eye out as you’re out and about and pick up a few boxes here and there.

    Freecycle, Craigslist and Facebook
    Last but not least, don’t forget the Internet. Sites like Freecycle and Craigslist allow people to give away moving boxes after they are done moving. Keep checking on there and put out a call on Facebook to your friends about boxes. Don’t forget to pay it forward when you’re done unpacking.

    The main thing to keep in mind is to work on getting boxes ahead of time. It makes it much easier to get plenty of free boxes. If you wait until the last minute, chances are you’ll have to go buy them.

    Homemade Convenience Foods

    HBHW Recommends 

    Homemade Convenience Foods 

    Make even more convenience foods right at home! You'll save money, control ingredients, and avoid expensive "fast foods" when you start making your own favorite convenience foods. 

    Click on here to find out about our informative resource Homemade Convenience Foods - and dig into over 200 recipes for handy convenience foods you can make at home.

    Eliminate those prepackaged foods from your pantry, eat healthier and cheaper while still cooking fast. Order your copy today!

    Featured Article of the Week

    What Apple To Use For What – Apple Varieties

    There are so many different types of apples, it makes it hard to choose. If you’re at the store, the farmers market or picking your own apples at an orchard, it’s good to have a basic idea of what apple works well for what. Not every kind is good for eating plain or baking into a pie. The list below has some of the most commonly found apples in the US. It is by no means an extensive list, but a great place to start.

    This is a great baking apple with bright red skin and juice white flesh. They are slightly tart and don’t tend to discolor too quickly. Great addition to pies and cobblers.

    These are large apples with a yellow-green skin. They are juicy and crisp with a sweet flavor that lends itself to baking and making apple sauce.

    Empire apples are a cross between McIntosh and Red Delicious. This is a great apple that works for just about anything including baking. They are also delicious for slicing and eating and even freeze well.

    Glala apples are one of my favorite eating apples. They also make great apple sauce. I don’t recommend using them in baking. They tend to fall apart very quickly. They have a yellow skin with red striping.

    Golden Delicious
    If you are only going to keep one type of apple around, make it golden delicious. They have a mild but sweet flavor that tastes great if the apple is eaten fresh or baked. These apples also keep their shape well during baking, making them perfect for pies.

    Granny Smith
    This is one of the most popular apples around and for good reason. They are bright green and have a nice sour flavor. They are perfect for eating raw and hold up well in pies and crisps. I recommend combining them with some other apples (like golden delicious) for baking pies.

    This is a fairly new apple variety that’s crisp and juicy. I love the honey-sweet flavor and use them quite a bit in pies and apple sauce.

    Ida Red
    This is a very old apple variety. Ida Reds keep their shape during baking and even freeze well. I use them for baking and in apple sauce.

    These apples are a blend of Jonathan and Golden Delicious apples. They are best eaten fresh or used in apple sauce.

    These apples are perfect for baking pies and cakes. They hold their shape well and have a nice crisp flavor. They don’t tend to be very sweet so adjust sugar as needed in baking.

    I have a bit of a hard time finding these apples at the grocery store. They are best eaten raw and have a pretty white flesh that pairs very well with sharp cheeses.

    My favorite way to eat a good McIntosh apple is right from the tree. Since they break up easily when cooked, they are perfect for apple sauces but won’t hold up in a cake or pie.

    Red Delicious
    Don’t try to cook or bake with these. They are meant for eating as is.

    This is a firm but sweet apple that holds up well in baking and makes a great addition to your apple sauce as well.

    Apple Varieties
    Please don't forget to "Pin" these articles and posts when you head to the Hillbilly Housewife website to read more. It helps get the word out about the site and the newsletter. Thank you!

    A Little Something Inspirational...


    This Home Runs On Coffee

    Final Thought

    That's it from me for this week. I have a little more work to do both on the Hillbilly Housewife blog and the next issue of the Homemaker's Hutch magazine. Our next issue will be all about fall and I'm excited. Even though it's still hot here, I am ready for all things fall. How about you?