[HBHW News] The Rising Cost of Food, Meatloaf and Oatmeal Cookies

Published: Wed, 11/04/15


Hello ,
Hi there and welcome to the next edition of the HBHW newsletter. The spinning group I told you about last week was a lot of fun. I learned a lot and got to meet some amazing spinners. There were a few spindle spinners (like me) and of course some that brought their spinning wheels. I've been doing a lot of research and am going to take a plunge and get a spinning wheel for Christmas. I don't think I've been this excited about a Christmas present since I was a kid :)

Now that Halloween is behind us, it's time to get serious about Holiday Planning. We need to figure out if we're staying home or visiting family for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Lots of planning to do in the coming weeks. I'm sure it's no different for you. 

For now, let's move on to this week's newsletter. You'll find an old favorite - a meatloaf recipe, a great tip for boiling eggs and in the article, I share some of my best tips for beating the rising cost of food. It's a long post, so grab a cup of coffee and get comfortable. 

There's also a new "I"m Looking for Request" take a look and see if you can help out a fellow HBHW readers. 

If you have a recipe you're looking for, email me at susanne@hillbillyhousewife.com and I'd be glad to feature it and give you my own input. HBHW readers are an amazing resource when it comes to lost recipes as well. 



Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies

I'm Looking For

Hello from North Pole everyone. I’m hoping to find a oatmeal cookie recipe. It was in an old Soldotna cookbook. It used vegetable oil and butterscotch chips and was very soft. Thank you.

Christina P.

Please click through to the post here and share your suggestions, ideas and recipes.

Inspirational Quote
“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

- Francis of Assisi
Featured Recipe of the Week

My Favorite Meatloaf

  • 2 pounds ground beef
  • 1 cup dry bread crumbs 
  • 1 cup water or broth
  • 2 carrots, shredded
  • 1 onion, peeled and minced
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper (scant)
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder or 2 cloves fresh garlic, minced

I use a food processor to chop up the dry bread first (about 4 slices, toast may be used), and then follow with the carrots, onion and garlic. It can all be done by hand though. The crumbs can be made by placing the bread in an extra bread bag, covering it with a towel and using a hammer to pound it into oblivion. The carrots can be shredded on a cheese shredder, and the onion and garlic may be chopped by hand. Either way, believe me, all this work is well worth the effort.

In any case, get out a large bowl. Put the hamburger, bread crumbs, water or broth, prepared vegetables and seasoning into the bowl. Start mixing and mashing everything together with your hands. Don’t be squeamish, you can wash them off in a few minutes. Continue to mix and mash until everything is uniformly distributed, and the water is fully incorporated. Press the mixture into a 9 by 5 inch loaf pan, or any pan which will hold a full two quarts. Smooth out the top so it will be pretty. Now you can wash your hands. Bake this at 350° for at least an hour, if the meat was at room temperature, 1-1/2 hours if it was still cold from the refrigerator. Remove the meatloaf from the oven and allow it to sit for a couple of minutes to firm up.

You're welcome to share the recipe on Pinterest, Facebook etc. I'm also sharing a lot of recipes on the HBHW Facebook page. Click on through to check it out. As always, likes, comments and shares are much appreciated. :)Barbecue Chicken

    Thanksgiving Planner

    Kindle News 

    Don’t run around like a chicken (or should that be turkey?) with its head cut off on Thanksgiving morning. The Hillbilly Housewife’s Thanksgiving Planner will help you plan ahead and stay on top of things so you can actually enjoy Thanksgiving with your family & friends.

    If you take a quick minute to read the first chapter you’ll realize how easy your Thanksgiving celebration will be.

    There are plenty of tips and ideas to make sure this year’s feast doesn’t stretch your budget to the breaking point, too.

    There are also 2 bonuses tucked inside: A printable planner & checklist and all of the recipes in a printable pdf file.

    Order the Book on Amazon

    Frugal Fun on Facebook

    We're having a lot of fun talking about all things frugal and homemaking on Facebook.  Join in the discussion at the Hillbilly Housewife Facebook page. Be sure to like the page so you don't miss a thing. Here's just one of this week's topics. 

    Fall Favorites
    Frugal Tip

    How Long Will Hard Boiled Eggs Keep?

    I shared my Simple Snacks Ideas the other day and got a great question in the comments. Jennifer asks:

    “How long are refrigerated boiled eggs safe to eat. I write the date on the shell in pencil when I boil them, but don’t cook more than 7-8 at a time because I’m not sure about how long they’re safe to eat.”

    Saving Hard Boiled Eggs 
    It’s a great question. I regularly boil batches of eggs for us to use as snacks, on sandwiches, salads or in egg salad later on. If you’re going to boil eggs it’s just as easy to cook them all at once and have them ready to eat.

    When Should I Peel Them? 
    If I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’ll use all the eggs the same day, I’ll go ahead and peel them all. Otherwise, I will peel the ones I need right away, allow the rest to cool on the kitchen counter and then move them to the fridge once they’ve come to room temperature.

    Quick Tip – I find it’s easiest to peel hard boiled eggs if I run cool water over them, then peel them right away while the inside of the egg is still relatively hot. 

    How Long Will Boiled Eggs Last

    How Should I Store The Eggs 
    I boil the eggs, allow them to cool and then store them in their shell in the refrigerator. I’ve tried freezing hard boiled eggs for longer storage (both in and out of their shell) and it just did not turn out well. They get all rubbery and it’s not something I recommend. For safety reasons I also wouldn’t leave them out on the counter for more than an hour or two. Go ahead and move them to the fridge unpeeled and peel them as needed.

    How Long Will They Last In The Fridge? 
    Hard boiled eggs in the shell will last a week in the fridge. I’ve gone a few days past that and they were fine, but they do start to change in texture. I wouldn’t risk eating eggs that have been boiled and refrigerated much past the 1 week mark.

    I love your idea of writing the date you boiled them on the eggs themselves. No more second-guessing what day you cooked them.

    Homemade Convenience Foods

    HBHW Recommends 

    Homemade Convenience Foods 

    Make even more convenience foods right at home! You'll save money, control ingredients, and avoid expensive "fast foods" when you start making your own favorite convenience foods. 

    Click on here to find out about our informative resource Homemade Convenience Foods - and dig into over 200 recipes for handy convenience foods you can make at home.

    Eliminate those prepackaged foods from your pantry, eat healthier and cheaper while still cooking fast. Order your copy today!

    Featured Article of the Week

    10 Tips For Beating Rising Food Costs

    Grocery prices have been going up and up over the past few years and there is no end in sight. I don’t know about you, but we’re spending a much bigger chunk of our budget on food these days. That means I’m making every penny count and doing my best to make smart purchases.

    Today I thought I’d share my 10 best tips for beating the rising cost of food. I hope you’ll find it helpful. 

    Tip #1 – Go Meatless

    This is the one you probably hear about most when it comes to cutting back on grocery spending. It’s sad but true… meat prices have skyrocketed. It’s also one of the easiest ways to cut back on food.
    I’m not saying skip meat all-together if you don’t want to. But do try a couple of different things:
    Pick a few days a week were you make meatless meals. Try pasta and veggies, egg dishes, beans and rice etc.

    Use meat as a side or a condiment instead of the main part of the meal. You can make delicious pasta sauce with just a little ground beef or sausage. If you’re serving chicken, or pork chops and the likes, add a bunch of sides so you can get away with small portions of meat and still have a filling meal.

    If you do use meat, look for whatever is on sale and stretch it as far as you can. I like getting a whole chicken on sale, cook it in the slow cooker and then use the meat for lunches and dinners throughout the week.
    Don’t forget about breakfast meats for dinner. A little bacon or sausage goes a long way with all that yummy flavor.

    Tip #2 – Whip Up A Frugal Meal

    We all have family meals that are particularly frugal. If you can’t think of them right away, ask around. I’m sure your aunt, grandma or cousin will remember something delicious that used to be whipped up when there wasn’t much to go around. I remember growing up eating things like scalloped potatoes with little bits of ham (if we had it), cream and some cheese for dinner. My husband’s family would fix scrambled eggs or a big pot of grits.

    Then of course there are all the things we now typically think of as frugal meals. Beans and rice come to mind. Get creative and come up with a list of your top 5 frugal meals and make at least one a week. Cornbread and pinto beans are another frugal favorite around here.

    Tip #3 – Don’t Waste It – Using Up Leftovers

    Nothing hurts your grocery budget more than throwing away food that’s going to waste before you can eat it. Plan your meals to eliminate most food waste, then make sure you use up every little bit. Think outside the box to figure out how you can turn even small amounts of leftovers into new meals.

    A couple of weeks ago we had chili. We ate chili for lunch and dinner and at the end of the night there was one decent sized bowl of chili left. It would have been enough to feed one of us for dinner. Instead I fixed 3 large baked potatoes, cut them up, put butter on them and then topped them with the re-heated chili and some shredded cheese. It ended up being a large dinner for all 3 of us and didn’t cost much at all.

    In addition to potatoes, I like to keep large flour tortillas and rice on hand. With that and some leftover veggies and meat you can make a never ending variety of burritos. The leftovers basically just add some flavor to the tortilla and rice.

    Tip #4 – Soups Are Good For The Wallet

    There’s a reason Mom would often put on a big pot of soup or stew. They are the perfect way to use up whatever is left in the fridge and they are cheap too. This is particularly true if you save the bones from the chicken you roast on Sunday to make homemade stock. If that’s not your thing, use water and chicken bullion cubes. It’ll still be tasty and almost as cheap. Start with the liquid and add some veggies, beans, rice or potatoes and whatever bits of meat are leftover from other meals. Or keep it a vegetable soup.

    Ground beef and vegetable soup is another favorite around here. You don’t need much meat, just enough to give it some flavor, then fill your pot with plenty of canned veggies, some water and a few bullion cubes. Let everything simmer for half and hour to an hour and serve.

    Tip #5 – Grow Some Food

    Every little bit of food that you don’t have to buy helps the bottom line. You don’t have to have a huge garden to make growing your own food pay off. Sometime simple like growing some fresh herbs or having a living salad bowl helps. Fresh produce gets expensive and growing your own will quickly add up.

    Grow a few tomato plants, maybe plant some cucumbers and see how it goes. Potatoes are also easy to grow. Or how about a couple of fruit trees? Give it a try and see if growing your own food is something you can make work for you and your family.

    We are slowly starting to grow more and more. We started with just a couple of tomato plants and keep expanding. This year we started growing okra and hot peppers in the front yard. They looked beautiful all through spring and summer and we got plenty of veggies to harvest as well.

    Tip #6 – Breakfast For Dinner

    This is one of my favorite ways to cut back on the grocery budget for the week. Almost all breakfast foods are cheap, particularly if you make it from scratch. Toast and eggs don’t cost much. Or how about a big bowl of oatmeal or cheese grits. It’s hard to fill up for less.

    Mix it up and bring back all your breakfast favorites that we just don’t have the time to fix in the morning. Bacon, pancakes, waffles, omelets… you name it and it tastes just as delicious for dinner as it does for breakfast.

    A family favorite around here right now is biscuits and gravy. I make the biscuits from scratch and while they bake, I fry up a little sausage and make a nice batch of gravy. Slice up a few apples as a side dish and dinner is done.

    Tip #7 – Stop The Snacks

    A few years ago I started tracking what I bought and what I spent on certain types of food. My biggest surprise was how much we spent on snack foods. Not only did it hurt our wallet, it also wasn’t good for the waist line. We cut out 95% of the snacks and just don’t keep them around anymore. Everyone is fine with the main meals I fix and is actually hungry when it’s time to sit down for dinner.

    If you do need to have some snacks (after the kids get back from school and are hungry for example), stick with frugal fare like homemade popcorn or apple slices. Crackers and cheese are also a popular option around here on the rare occasions when we do still snack.

    Tip #8 – Skip Convenience Foods – Make It From Scratch

    Speaking of making things from scratch … it will almost always save you money (and be healthier). When you buy convenience foods like canned soup, frozen meals and the likes you pay for that convenience. I challenge you to give making food from scratch a try. You’ll be surprised how much quicker and easier it is.

    Make things in bulk whenever possible and store leftovers for later. You can make a big batch of soup and freeze half for another quick meal.

    Tip #9 – Buy Local and Seasonal

    There’s been a lot of talk about eating local in media. As a result, some local fare has gone up in price, but there are still plenty of bargains to be found. For example, you can visit a local apple orchard, pick your own apples and get enough to use throughout the year for pennies on the dollar.

    Take a look at what local options are available for you and pay attention to the season we’re in. If you’re not familiar with what’s in season when, do a little research online. Do your best to stick to fruits and vegetables that are in season. Often you will find these on sale at the store. When you find a really good deal, stock up and put up food by canning it or freezing it.

    Tip #10 – Shop Around – Keep A Price Book

    I saved the best for last. This takes a little bit of time and effort in the beginning but it is well worth it. Do you ever go to the store and think that the item that’s on sale really doesn’t sound like that good of a deal? Or do you ever wonder if you’d be better off buying milk and eggs at the drug store? There are lots of great deals to be found, but you have to remember what’s a good deal and where you should be getting it.

    That’s were a price book comes in handy. Pick up a small little notebook and a pen and toss it in your purse. The next time you go to the store, start jotting down the unit of measure and price of the most common things you buy. I like to group things by section of the store (i.e. Produce, Meat, Dairy, Bread Aisle etc. )

    Take the book with you and you have a quick way to check if that sale on the gallon of milk really is a good deal, or if you should be stocking up on rice and flour. Give it a try.

    I encourage you to try all the tips in this post. Not all of them will work for you and they likely won’t always work for you. The key is to pick and choose and make it work for you.

    10 Tips For Beating Rising Food Costs
    Please don't forget to "Pin" these articles and posts when you head to the Hillbilly Housewife website to read more. It helps get the word out about the site and the newsletter. Thank you!

    A Little Something Inspirational...


    Be the Rainbow

    Final Thought

    That's it from me for this week. We've had a pretty busy and stressful couple of days and I needed something to help me relax and wind down at night. I started printing off coloring pages and am enjoying coloring them in. You can find plenty of adult coloring books at bookstores and even Walmart, but I prefer to just print off a few pages here and there. My favorites at the moment are from ColorMonthly.com

    Did you see that the new issue of the Homemaker's Hutch magazine is out? It's beautiful and full of amazing articles, recipes and a knitting pattern from me. I think you'll enjoy it. Check it out if you're not already subscribed.