[HBHW News] Happy 4th of July

Published: Wed, 07/01/15


Hello ,
Hi there and welcome to the next edition of the HBHW newsletter.  When you're reading this, I'll be over in Germany attending my grandmother's funeral. I received the news this morning and am still trying to come to terms with the fact that she's gone. I'm sure it will take a while. 

Right after I finished last week's newsletter a little voice in my head told me that I needed to get ahead with work, that I needed to start creating this next newsletter right away, that I needed to schedule some blog posts to go out along with the daily Facebook posts. Thankfully I listened and as a result, you're getting this in your inbox today, even though I just landed in Germany and am probably exhausted and jet lagged. 

I will do my best to send a little email later in the week or early next week from there, but there won't be the usual newsletter. I'm sure you'll be ok with the fact that I'm taking a week off. 

Let's get into this week's newsletter. While I was working on this, we were making plans for 4th of July. I didn't realize then I wouldn't be here for Independence Day for the first time since I moved here in '96. That seems strange, but it is what it is and right now my family over there needs me. I'll be gone for a little over a week, but other than the missing newsletter and a little less interaction on the blog and the Facebook page, you shouldn't miss me too much.  

Since I was planning for the 4th (and I am sure you're doing the same), I thought I'd share some fun recipes tips and ideas with you that will come in handy. 



P.S. Thank you for your sweet emails these past few weeks and of course thank you for ordering the special summer bundle and making it possible for me to fly home. I can't tell you how much I appreciate being able to pay my last respects to my grandmother. 


I'm Looking For

I have been looking for a recipe that my grandmother used to make. She just called it Float. I know it takes milk and eggs and sugar. Beyond that, I am just lost. I asked her once for the recipe and she said she really didn’t have one. I tried her directions and it was okay, but it sure wasn’t my grandmother’s Float. Can anyone help me?

Zola Sherman

Please click through to the post here and share your suggestions, ideas and recipes.

Floating Islands
Inspirational Quote
"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves."

- William Hazlitt

Featured Recipe of the Week

Flag Cake

•    1 package cake mix (white or yellow) *
•    8 oz  whipped topping (thawed)
•    1 pint blueberries rinsed and drained
•    2 pints strawberries or rasperries  rinsed and sliced

Prepare cake according to package directions and bake in a 9×13 inch pan. Cool completely.

Frost cake with whipped topping. Place blueberries in a square in the top left corner, and arrange sliced strawberries as stripes to make an American flag. Chill until serving.

* using a store bought cake mix is a great time saver, but when I can, I just make up a batch of this yellow cake recipe. It doesn’t take much longer to make and tastes better.

A fun healthy snack or dessert is these simple fruit kabobs. They look very pretty as well.

You're welcome to share the recipe on Pinterest, Facebook etc. I'm also sharing a lot of recipes on the HBHW Facebook page. Click on through to check it out. As always, likes, comments and shares are much appreciated. :)

    Flag Cake
    Poke Cake Recipes

    Kindle News - Free Today!

    Yummy, Fun and Easy Desserts 

    Poke cakes put a spin on the normal every day cake recipe by adding a little surprise in the middle. 

    The concept is simple. Bake a cake and then poke some holes in it and pour something all over the cake. It will seep into the holes and cover the top turning a plain cake into something fun and make it that much more special. 

    Here are some of the recipes you'll find inside:

    • Apple Poke Cake    
    • Banana Pudding Poke Cake    
    • Butterfinger Poke Cake    
    • Caramel Almond Poke Cake    
    • Carrot Cake Poke Cake    
    • Cherry Delight Poke Cake    
    • Chocolate Peppermint Poke Cake    
    • Coconut Poke Cake    
    • Easy Chocolate Pudding Poke Cake    
    • Easy Peach Poke Cake

    Order the Book on Amazon

    Frugal Fun on Facebook

    We're having a lot of fun talking about all things frugal and homemaking on Facebook. Join in the discussion at the Hillbilly Housewife Facebook page. Be sure to like the page so you don't miss a thing. Here's just one of this week's topics. 

    Ramen Noodles
    Frugal Tip

    Have A Family Game Night – Frugal Summer Fun

    Summer around here always ends up being much busier than I anticipate. We end up doing lots of running around and traveling. It’s nice to slow things down and have fun playing board games. This is perfect for a rainy afternoon or as an “after-dinner” activity for the whole family.

    Dust of those old board games or grab a deck of cards and get set at the kitchen table. Introduce some of your favorite games from childhood to your kids, or let them pick and start playing.

    Have A Family Game Night – Frugal Summer Fun

    Do your best to make sure the games are fun and appropriate for everyone in the family, but don’t feel like you’re limited to just Candyland. Start there if you have very young children, and then move on to something more complicated like monopoly and have the youngest family member play along with a parent if things get too hard for her.

    If everyone is having fun (I’m sure they will), consider making this a weekly family tradition. What a wonderful way to spend time together and create memories.

    Featured Article of the Week

    Fourth Of July Holiday Safety Tips

    With Independence day weekend just around the corner, it’s important to keep a few simple things in mind to make sure you and your family stay safe.

    Be Careful Around Fireworks

    Quite a few serious holiday related accidents happen each year around fireworks. Your safest option is to enjoy the display from a distance. Most cities and townships put on a professional display. Find out where yours is, get there early and find a comfy spot. We like to bring out blankets, chairs along with some drinks and snacks and then just sit back and enjoy the show.

    If you do want to shoot your own fireworks start by making sure it is allowed in your area. A quick call to the fire marshal will clear things up. He can also give you some additional tips for staying safe. After that, use common sense. Don’t drink and shoot fireworks and always keep kids at a safe distance. You should also have some water and/or fire extinguisher close buy just in case. It is also important to buy your fireworks at a reputable dealer and never try to make and shoot your own.

    If your child will go to a fireworks display for the first time, try to explain what will be going on, especially the noise. Choose a spot that’s a little ways away from the display (to muffle the noise), but which will still give you a good view of the fireworks in the sky. For a few years my daughter was afraid of the loud noise.  I started bringing her some ear plugs and she had a ball.

    Water Safety Tips

    Beaches, Lakes and Rivers are always a popular 4th of July destination as are pools and can get pretty crowded. This makes even more important to use caution. Keep a close eye on kids in and around the water. Put life jackets on kids in the water as well as on boats. Of course it goes without saying that being in, around or on the water while drinking is never a good idea.

    Don’t rely on lifeguards to keep your kids safe. You always want to keep an eye on them yourself as well and be ready to jump in and get them.

    Don’t Forget The Sun Screen

    While we are on the topic of water… it’s easy to get sun burned around the water or even if you are just hanging out at a local park or in your own back yard. Apply sun screen and make sure you reapply throughout the day as water and sweat wear off the protection from the rays.

    Just as important is staying well hydrated (bring plenty of water to drink) and to avoid over heating. Find some shade or head inside for a bit with the kids to allow everyone to cool down.

    Simple Food Safety

    Last but not least, let’s talk about food. After all, we tend to celebrate this holiday with lots of yummy dishes. Here are a few tips to keep the food from going bad.

    Skip the Mayo or Serve it Right Away

    Salads with mayonnaise based dressings (think pasta and potato salad) are always popular, but can go bad rather quickly. Your simplest option is to skip them. If you do want to serve something with mayonnaise, keep it cold (at home in the fridge, outside in a well iced cooler), then serve it right away. Toss any leftovers.

    Careful With The Meat

    Meat outside is also often a concern. Start by being very careful not to cross contaminate anything with raw meat. Use separate cutting boards, plates, containers, knives etc. and be diligent about cleaning everything that has come in contact with raw meat right away.

    Cook the meat to at least 165 F before serving. Make sure it stays hot until your guests are ready to eat. Keeping hot foods at above 140F is usually a good idea. (Cold foods by the way should be kept below 40F). Cover finished items with aluminum foil to keep up the heat. Your best option is often to cook meats on the grill to order.

    Above all, just toss anything that has been left out for a while. It’s not worth the risk of salmonella or food poisoning.

    Stay safe and have a wonderful Fourth Of July!

    Fourth of July Safety Tips
    Please don't forget to "Pin" these articles and posts when you head to the Hillbilly Housewife website to read more. It helps get the word out about the site and the newsletter. Thank you!

    A Little Something Inspirational...



    Final Thought

    That's it from me for this week. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but this has been another emotional week with lots of last minute packing, planning and getting ready. Thank you very much for your kind words, prayers, emails and of course your support in helping me raise the funds to go fly back home.