[HBHW News] Summer is Here, Smoothies and Ice Cream

Published: Thu, 05/28/15


Hello ,
Hi there and welcome to the next edition of the HBHW newsletter. We had a wonderful visit with my aunt and uncle. We enjoyed dinner together Tuesday night (I cooked) and just hang out and chatted after. Yesterday we were busy showing them the area and playing tourist all day. It was a lot of fun, I got a little sunburned and we enjoyed spending time together and sharing a bit about the beauty of South Carolina. Thank you so much for understanding the delay in getting this out to you. 

Let's get into this week's newsletter. I'm slowly but surely working my way through the "I'm looking or requests. Here's this weeks request.  

We also got some great responses for last week's request. Take a look:

You'll find the new request for this week below. There's also a fun recipe for a mango smoothie, an article about being prepared in a road trip emergency (which I think is timely with many of us hitting the road for summer vacation), and a great frugal tip for making yummy (and healthier) ice cream sandwiches. 




I'm Looking For

I am looking for a bar cookie recipe called yum-yums. The main ingredients included brown sugar, egg, vanilla, flour and walnuts. After it cooks, a mixture of cream and powdered sugar is spread over the cooked recipe and then is covered in coconut. Lost this time honored recipe.

Can anyone help?


Please click through to the post here and share your suggestions, ideas and recipes with Cheryl

Yum Yum Cookies
Inspirational Quote
“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success."
- Swami Sivananda

Featured Recipe of the Week

Mango Smoothie

I love smoothies for breakfast on a warm summer day. Here’s one of my favorites. You can make it with fresh or frozen mango chunks. If you’re using frozen, you can skip the ice.

  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup fresh mango chunks
  • sweetener to taste
  • 1/2 cup ice

Put all ingredients into your blender and blend until smooth. I start without sweetener. Most of the time the sweetness in the Orange juice is enough to balance out the tartness of the Mango. If you want it a little sweeter, try adding a bit of sugar, honey or your favorite low-calorie sweetener.

For more delicious Smoothie recipes, get a copy of the Hillbilly Housewife’s Smoothie Recipe book on Kindle.

You're welcome to share the recipe on Pinterest, Facebook etc. I'm also sharing a lot of recipes on the HBHW Facebook page. Click on through to check it out. As always, likes, comments and shares are much appreciated. :)

    Mango Smoothie

    Kindle News

    Coming up with desserts for week nights is not always easy. When you get home from work it’s hard enough to get dinner on the table without having to worry about dessert too. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. 

    The recipes in this book will help you whip up desserts your family will love and make you look good doing it! 

    Of course they aren’t just perfect for family dessert. You’ll find things in here that are perfect for bake sales, potlucks and more. 

    Here are the recipes you'll find inside: 
    • Apple and Cheese Oatmeal Cookies 
    • Apple Caramel Cupcakes 
    • Apple Pie 
    • Apricot Sundaes 
    • Banana Boats 
    • Chocolate Mousse 
    • Churros    
    • Cinnamon Figs 
    • Cinnamon Sugar Tortillas 
    • Cookies and Cream.

    Order the Book on Amazon

    Just Dessert Recipes
    Homemaker's Hutch

    Homemaker's Hutch Magazine

    Wouldn't it be great to have access to a magazine, that’s packed full of hands-on advice, delicious recipes for things your family will actually eat and plenty of support from moms and homemakers just like you?


    It's a digital magazine we are putting together each month full of fun recipes, crafts and helpful tips and ideas.

    Ready to give it a try? 

    Subscribe to Homemaker's Hutch for $5 a month.

    Take a look inside:

    Frugal Fun on Facebook

    We're having a lot of fun talking about all things frugal and homemaking on Facebook. Join in the discussion at the Hillbilly Housewife Facebook page. Be sure to like the page so you don't miss a thing. Here's just one of this week's topics. 

    Frugal Tip

    Know What Goes On The Dinner Table

    The next time you have bananas that are getting a little overripe (and you don’t feel like baking banana muffins), peel them, slice them and freeze them.

    When you’re ready to make some healthy ice cream, grab the frozen banana slices and put them in a blender. Add a little vanilla flavor and just enough milk to get your blender to work. I usually start with just a small splash and add a bit more if needed.

    Depending on the sweetness of your bananas and your family’s taste buds, you may want to add a little sugar or other sweetener to taste. Blend until you have something that resembles soft serve ice cream consistency.

    You can eat it as is, or scoop it into a bowl and stick it in the freezer to harden a bit more.

    Quick and Easy Ice Cream Sandwiches

    To make the ice cream sandwiches, grab some graham crackers or your favorite cookies. Spread a little of the hardened ice cream mixture on a cookie or cracker and top with another one.

    Wrap them in freezer paper or stick them in freezer bags and freeze until hardened before serving.

    Featured Article of the Week

    Will You Be Prepared for an Emergency on the Road?

    Roadside emergencies are inevitable. The question isn’t if, it’s when. Will you be prepared? If you drive at all, at some point in time you will be faced with a roadside emergency. A broken fan belt, a dead battery, a flat tire or leaking radiator are just a some of the things that can happen when you travel. No one can predict when they’ll have an emergency along the road. The best you can do is be prepared.

    A minor emergency, such as a flat in the middle of the day when you can use your cell phone to call the nearest mechanic, is one thing.  But, having a major emergency, such as the same flat tire in the middle of the night in a blizzard with no cell phone service, well, that’s the sort of emergency you want to be prepared for. Even if you don’t know much about how to fix your car, you can be prepared to do small things such as add water to the radiator or oil to your engine or jump your battery. But, if its more than you can handle you can be prepared to wait it out.

    When planning for a roadside emergency, you want to think of two emergency kits; a personal kit and a car kit.

    Your Personal Kit should include:

    • Drinking water
    • Flashlight with extra batteries
    • Walking shoes
    • An extra pair of socks
    • Non-perishable foods such as snack bars, granola, nuts, etc.
    • Blanket
    • Coat
    • Boots
    • Warm gloves
    • Hat
    • Rain poncho
    • First aid kit

    Your Car Kit should include:

    • Jumper cables
    • Flash light with extra batteries
    • Work gloves
    • Spare tire (filled), jack and lug wrench
    • Fire extinguisher
    • One gallon jug of water
    • Ice scraper
    • Multipurpose tool, such as a Leatherman
    • Small shovel
    • Kitty litter or sand to use as traction if you are stuck in the snow
    • 2 quarts of motor oil
    • Paper towels
    • 3 road flares or reflective warning cones or triangles
    • Duct Tape
    • Windshield washer fluid
    • Tire pressure gauge
    • Rags

    If you’re traveling for a long distance you will want to pack a personal kit for other family members, as well. Especially when you travel with children, you will want to pack the items they may need if you are stranded for a period of time. Remember items such as:

    • Formula
    • Baby food
    • Water
    • Snacks
    • Diapers
    • Extra clothes
    • Blankets
    • Mittens
    • Hats
    • Warm shoes and boots
    • Stroller or other carrier
    • Games (to keep your kids occupied)

    The best thing to do when preparing your kits is try to imagine if you were stranded and couldn’t get home for hours. Remember, you will be without electricity, heat, or other comforts of home. What would you want in your car if that were the case? Even small roadside problems can be difficult. A short trip across town could leave you stranded if something happened to your car. You’ll want to be prepared as best you can be for these situations so you can return home safe and sound.

    Raod Emergency
    Please don't forget to "Pin" these articles and posts when you head to the Hillbilly Housewife website to read more. It helps get the word out about the site and the newsletter. Thank you!

    A Little Something Inspirational...


    The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring - Bern Williams

    Final Thought

    That's it from me for this week. I'm a little tired from all the walking and visiting and staying up late the past few days. I think I'm going to curl up on the couch for a bit before diving into the rest of my chores for today.