[HBHW News] Homemade Bathroom Cleaners and Fresh Baked Bread

Published: Wed, 03/11/15


Hi there and welcome to the next edition of the HBHW newsletter. This week has been much better than the last. The weather is nicer. It's still cold, but it's sunny out which always puts me in a better mood. It's actually starting to feel like spring is just around the corner. 

How are you doing with the time change? Here in the US we set our clocks forward by an hour on Saturday night. It always takes me a few days to get used to the new time (and remember to change all the clocks). This go around the time change seems to really be messing with our cat. Last night she decided at 2am it was time for me to get up. Anyone else notice their pets having issues with this? 

Let's get into this week's newsletter. In this issue I have a yummy beer bread recipe for you. It goes great with soup or stew and is also a nice hostess gift.    

Today's article is a guest post by my friend Amber from The Coastal Homestead. Amber has been teaching classes on making your own natural homemade cleaners and shares some great tips and an AWESOME recipe for a disinfecting bathroom cleaner with us. 

The frugal tip is about cleaning a clogged shower head. Make sure you click through to the full post to read them all. 

Last but not least, there's a new free Kindle book for you to download today. You can find it here:



Inspirational Quote
"It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want — oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!​

- Mark Twain 
Featured Recipe of the Week

Homemade Beer Bread

  • 1 can beer (12 ounces)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 3 cups self rising flour
  • 2 Tbsp. butter, melted

While preheating oven to 350 degrees, in a large mixing bowl, add the beer, sugar and flour. Stir until just blended. Note: the mixture should be lumpy. 

Pour the mixture into a greased loaf pan and bake for 50 minutes. 

Remove from oven and evenly pour the melted butter over the top of bread. Put back in the oven and bake for an additional 10 minutes. 

Let cool before cutting. 

A Few Related Recipes
You're welcome to share the recipe on Pinterest, Facebook etc. I'm also sharing a lot of recipes on the HBHW Facebook page. Click on through to check it out. As always, likes, comments and shares are much appreciated. :)

    Loaf of homemade beer bread

    Kindle News

    Homemade Bread Recipes- Free Download Today!

    There’s nothing more scrumptious than a warm piece of homemade bread fresh out of the oven. And with these 35 recipes, you’ll have more than just the basic bread to delight your taste buds. From chocolate chip pumpkin to banana to potato, there’s a wide variety of flavorful recipes to choose from. 

    Use them as a tasty breakfast treat or turn a simple soup or stew into a tasty and filling dinner with the addition of baked goods still warm from the oven. 

    Homemade bread is a staple in my frugal household and I’m sure it will become one in your as well.

    Here are the recipes you'll find inside:
    • No Knead Dill Bread
    • White Bread
    • Easy No Knead Bread
    • One Hour Homemade Bread
    • Amish Bread
    • Homemade Cinnamon Bread
    • Banana Apple Bread
    • Five Ingredient Homemade Bread

    Order the Book on Amazon

    Homemade Bread Recipes
    Homemaker's Hutch - March Issue

    Wouldn't it be great to have access to a magazine, that’s packed full of hands-on advice, delicious recipes for things your family will actually eat and plenty of support from moms and homemakers just like you?


    It's a digital magazine we are putting together each month full of fun recipes, crafts and helpful tips and ideas. The January issue is packed full of over 100 pages of tips, ideas, recipes and articles to help us make 2015 the best year ever. 

    Here's what's you'll find in the March issue:

    • Creating More with Less: A Decluttering Challenge.
    • Clearing Out, Cleaning Up & Cozying Your Surroundings with Stuff You Already Have
    • 10 Tips to Wake Up Refreshed and Raring to Go Every Day.
    • Decluttering for Charity.
    • Boost Your Bedtime Routine – Things To Do Just For You
    • 30 Days to an Organized Home.
    • Day 1- The “Spot”
    • Day 2- Front Closet
    • Day 3 – Formal Living Room.
    • Day 4 – The Family Room.
    • Day 5 – Keeping It Organized.
    • Day 6- The Junk Drawer
    • Day 7 – Mud Room/Laundry Room.
    • Day 8 – Home Office.
    • Day 9 – Home Office.
    • Day 10 – Create a Home Management Binder
    • Day 12 – Your Refrigerator
    • Day 13 – Kitchen..
    • Day 14 – Preserving Memories.
    • Day 15 – Master Bedroom..
    • Day 16 – Master Closet
    • Day 17 – Master Bath..
    • Day 18 – Closets.
    • Day 19 – Bathrooms.
    • Day 20 – Your Computer
    • Day 21 – Important Documents.
    • Day 22 – Kids’ Rooms.
    • Day 23 – The “House” Book.
    • Day 24 – The “Odd” Rooms.
    • Day 25 – Garage: Day 1.
    • Day 26 – Garage: Day 2.
    • Day 27 – Create a Disaster Kit
    • Day 28 – Protect Your Valuables: Part 1.
    • Day 29 – Protect Your Valuables: Part 2.
    • Day 30 – Finishing Up
    • No Recipe No Worry – Cook One Pot Meals From The Pantry.
    • Quick Beef Vegetable Stew Pot
    • Beer Braised Beef Roast Dinner In A Pot
    • Asian Inspired Beef Pot
    • Easy Corned Beef Cabbage Pot
    • Spring Into Better Health With Raw Honey
    • Easy Dish Cloth Pattern
    • What’s Coming Next Month?

    Ready to give it a try? 

    Subscribe to Homemaker's Hutch for $7 a month.


    Frugal Fun on Facebook

    We're having a lot of fun talking about all things frugal and homemaking on Facebook. Join in the discussion at the Hillbilly Housewife Facebook page. Be sure to like the page so you don't miss a thing. Here's just one of this week's topics. 

    Getting Started With Meal Planning
    Frugal Tip

    How To Clean Your Shower Head With Vinegar

    I got in the shower this morning and noticed that my shower head was starting to get pretty clogged. It happens every six months or and after much trial and error, I came up with a quick and easy way to get it cleaned. It’s very simple, doesn’t take a bunch of elbow grease and most importantly no expensive or harsh cleaners.

    Here what you’ll need … and yes, I realize this list sounds a little MacGyver at first, but keep reading. I promise it will start to make sense in a minute.
    • plastic bag
    • rubber band
    • white vinegar
    • an old tooth brush

    Make sure you pick a plastic bag that’s wide enough that you can easily slip it over your shower head.

    How To Clean Your Shower Head With Vinegar

    The idea is to put the bag (filled with vinegar) around the shower head and secure it with the rubber band).

    Fill your bag with enough white vinegar that the bottom of your shower head is completely immersed in the vinegar when you put the bag around it. I find it helps to put the rubber band on the shower head first, then a slip on the vinegar filled bag and pull the rubber band over the edge of the bag to keep it secure.

    Or if your shower head is easily removed, take it off and pop it in a small bowl filled with the vinegar.

    Allow it to soak for 45 minutes to an hour. Remove the bag, pour out the vinegar and rise the shower head with clean water. Much of what’s clogging it should be coming off already.

    Take your tooth brush and gently brush away any other build-up and clogs. Rinse with more water and you’re done.

    Featured Article of the Week

    3 Big Benefits of Homemade Cleaners

    I’ve been hanging out with my friend Amber over the past few weeks and have been learning all kinds of neat tricks, recipes and ideas from her when it comes to all natural homemade cleaners. Amber teaches a lot of classes and workshops on this topic and has recently published a Kindle book with some of her best information and recipes for cleaning products you can make and use at home.

    Amber shared her 3Gs of homemade cleaners with me and I loved the concept. That’s why I asked her to share them with you, which she was happy to do. Enjoy!

    Why You Should Be Making Your Own Cleaning Products

    This is a guest post by Amber Bradshaw of The Coastal Homestead.

    We have all been reading about the dangers of synthetic chemicals, dyes and fragrances, well your beloved cleaners are full of them. The only thing natural about cleaners are the added water.

    Making your own cleaning supplies will not only be easy to do, (almost effortless in fact) but they are Good for you, Good for the Environment, and Great for your wallet, my 3 G’s.

    I often hear “my grandma used to clean with that” guess what? It still works!  It never stopped working; we were sold by commercials that we needed something that worked quicker and easier for our busy lifestyle but you can get back to the way our ancestors used to clean and detox your life all at the same time.

    My 3 G Principal

    #1 G- Good for You.

    You may ask “why should a cleaner be good for you?” As long as it gets the job done, who cares—right?

     Anything that goes onto your skin goes into your body. If you’re using store bought cleaners, the chances are you are exposing yourself to cancer triggering substances. In less than one minute of contact with your skin, trace elements of chemicals can be found in every organ of your body. Without sounding like a Capitol One commercial but “What’s in your body?”

    In order to meet my first G, a cleaner is required to, on no account, be a threat to human safety when used properly.

    Read the rest of the article, comment, share and bookmark.

    Benefits of Homemade Cleaners
    Please don't forget to "Pin" these articles and posts when you head to the Hillbilly Housewife website to read more. It helps get the word out about the site and the newsletter. Thank you!

    A Little Something Inspirational...


    No Matter How Long The Winter, Spring is Sure To Follow.

    Final Thought

    That's it from me for this week.We're doing much better and now that it has finally stopped raining all day every day, we're doing out best to get out for a walk or some yard work every single day. That's been helping me feel better, sleep better and is a great way to reduce my stress levels. 

    What do you do to wind down and relax?