Happy New Year - Take Two

Published: Tue, 01/06/15

Hello ,

Let's try this again... the first email I sent a few minutes ago was blank. 

I can't believe we're already almost a week into the New Year. Winter break is over here in the Hillbilly Housewife Household (boy, that's a tongue twister), and we're getting back into our school day routine. I spent some time yesterday catching up on chores and thinking about my goals for 2015. I shared them in a more personal post on the blog.


I would like to wish you and your loved ones a very Happy and Healthy New Year. I look forward to sharing more frugal tips, recipes and some personal stories over the course of the year.

Did you sit down and make some resolutions? Or did you pick a word of the year? Mine is discipline.
I'd love to hear what your goals, plans and resolutions are. Click through to the post and leave me a comment. I love reading them.


Susanne - The Hillbilly Housewife

P.S. Don't miss tomorrow's newsletter. It'll have some fun stuff including my favorite new way to cook bacon.