[HBHW News] Cold Weather Cooking And A Christmas Monkey

Published: Wed, 11/05/14


Hello , 
Hi there and welcome to the next edition of the HBHW newsletter. It's gotten cold here over the weekend. We dipped down into freezing temperatures at night. It's nice to be able to wear hand-knit socks and sweaters. 
When I asked my husband what he wanted for dinner the next few days, he requested soup and meatloaf. We ended up with some beef and vegetable soup and a big pan of meatloaf. There was plenty leftover for both so lunch is covered for the next few days. Being able to make all sorts of soups and stews is one of my favorite things about fall. I miss them throughout the hot summer months. Not only are the quick and filling, they are also frugal and it's easy to make enough for 2 or more meals. 
My other favorite this time of the year is my crockpot. I have a nice beef stew cooking in there right now for dinner tonight and have a few more meals planned in it for the weekend. If you're ready to dig out your own slow cooker and make something wonderful in it, check out the article, tip and recipes in this week's newsletter. 
I'm glad you enjoyed the  "Pooting Pete The Purple Penguin" book. Thanks so much for the wonderful feedback on my friend's first foray into children's books. The book is still available for $1.99 on Amazon. 
It must be the season of publishing Kindle Children's books... I have another recommendation for a book my friend Katie from ParadisePraises.com has written. It's called Melk the Christmas Monkey. Think of this as a more faith-based, biblical version of the Elf on a Shelf. 

Last but not least, Tracy and I have published the November issue of The Homemaker's Hutch Magazine.  We've gotten such wonderful feedback on it that we can't wait to get started on December. If you're not a subscriber yet and could use some ideas and recipes for Thanksgiving, you definitely want to subscribe right now. 
We had a nice visit with my husband's family and celebrated Halloween and my Mother-in-Law's birthday. Britana got to go trick-or-treating with her cousins which is always fun. Of course we ended up with way too much candy in the house and I've been bad about eating too much of it. It's time to get back into the swing of eating healthy before Thanksgiving pies and Christmas cookies start to tempt me. 
P.S. Here's a little preview of what the November issue of the Homemaker's Hutch magazine looks like.

Inspirational Quote

"It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves."

- Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Featured Recipe of the Week

Crockpot Swedish Meatballs


  • 1 lb of ground turkey 
  • 1 sleeve of saltine crackers crushed
  • 1 beaten egg
  • 1 half on an onion diced fine
  • pepper, paprika, and garlic powder to taste
  • 1 can of cream of mushroom soup
  • 1/2 a soup cans worth of milk.
Combine the turkey, egg, onion, crackers and seasonings in a bowl and form into small meatballs.
In a pan fry until they have browned a bit and if you have a crock pot transfer to a crockpot, if not transfer to a baking dish with lid.
Take the cream of mushroom soup and mix it with the milk and pour over meatballs.

If using a crockpot cook on low 4-5 hours,

If using an oven preheat to 350 degrees and bake one hour.

( I personally like the crockpot better cause the meatballs turn out better that way.)
This is super yummy with some mashed potatoes and biscuits.

    A Few Related Recipes
    You're welcome to share the recipe on Pinterest, Facebook etc. I'm also sharing a lot of recipes on the HBHW Facebook page. Click on through to check it out. As always, likes, comments and shares are much appreciated. :)

    Crockpot Swedish Meatballs

    Kindle News

    Melk The Christmas Monkey
    Melk, The Christmas Monkey, is an excellent tool for teaching God’s character to children through 30 fun Bible lessons and activities that the entire family can enjoy during the Christmas Advent season.
    The activities could also be easily adapted for a Sunday school class or Children’s Bible club

    Order the Book on Amazon

    Melk The Christmas Monkey
    Homemakers Hutch October Issue

    Wouldn't it be great to have access to a magazine, that’s packed full of hands-on advice, delicious recipes for things your family will actually eat and plenty of support from moms and homemakers just like you?


    It's a digital magazine we are putting together each month full of fun recipes, crafts and helpful tips and ideas. The November issue is packed full of over 50 pages of tips, ideas, recipes and articles around fall and Thanksgiving. 

    Here's what's you'll find in the November issue:

    • Thanksgiving: Getting The Family Together
    • Gratitude and Happiness – A Thanksgiving Message
    • Stop Hurrying and Start Living
    • How To Oven Dry Fresh Cranberries
    • How To Thaw A Turkey
    • Best And Cheapest Way To Clean Old Silver
    • Thanksgiving Day Stress Relievers for Busy Families
    • Frugal Thanksgiving Decorations
    • Melk, The Christmas Monkey
    • Get Your Christmas Shopping Done Black Friday and Cyber Monday
    • Traditional Thanksgiving Recipes & More
    • Thanksgiving Leftovers – Tasty Ways To Use It All Up
    • Smoothie Of The Month
    • Thanksgiving Crafts to Keep the Kids Busy
    • Holiday Travel – Tips For Roadtripping With Kids -Saving Mom’s Sanity ;-)
    • Homemade Green “Soft Scrub”
    • Colonial Women: Founding Mothers of Sustainability
    • Printables
    • A Sneak Peek into our December Issue


    Ready to give it a try? 

    Subscribe to Homemaker's Hutch for $5 a month.


    Frugal Fun on Facebook

    We're having a lot of fun talking about all things frugal and homemaking on Facebook. Join in the discussion at the Hillbilly Housewife Facebook page. Be sure to like the page so you don't miss a thing. Here's just one of this week's topics. 

    Your Favorite Soup Recipes
    Frugal Tip

    How Full Should Your Crockpot Be?

    There are all sorts of yummy meals that can be cooked in a crockpot. In fact, many of your own family’s favorites may easily be converted into slow cooker meals. I’ve made anything from spaghetti and lasagna to “baked” chicken in there. One of the problems when you start to experiment with your own recipes though is to figure out how much you should trow in the pot and have it cook effectively. That’s what today’s frugal tip is all about.

    How Full Should Your Crockpot Be

    With slow cookers it’s important that you don’t overfill them or the food won’t cook all the way through. At the same time you don’t want to under-fill it either or you risk burning the food and the pot.

    Ideally you want to aim to fill it 1/2 to 2/3 full with ingredients before you turn it on. Also make sure there is a little cooking liquid in there to prevent burning and sticking. Not going over 2/3 full also helps keep things from overflowing once the meal heats up and starts bubbling away.

    Read the Rest Of Tip (  comment, share, bookmark etc.)

    Ready to learn how to get a homemade dinner on the table and still have time to tackle everything on your to do list?

    Slow Cooking Recipes for the Busy Mom ebook gives you 30 days of recipes for your crockpot plus shopping lists to make sure you have everything you need on hand for quick & easy stress-free meal planning.

    There’s even a private Facebook group where we’ll be challenging each other to create delicious meals (and share the recipes).

    Featured Article of the Week

    Crockpot Dessert Recipes – Save Your Valuable Oven Space For The Main Course

    Does shuffling around your dishes in and out of the oven get complicated during a big holiday meal? We like to have several desserts, so that usually means something’s got to come out of the oven so the desserts can start going in.
    Why not put your crockpot to work for you this year? Transform your old favorite dessert recipes into crockpot dessert recipes and free up your oven for what it was meant for… the Turkey and Green Bean Casserole!
    So, how am I going to turn my old favorite dessert recipes into crockpot dessert recipes? I chose three of my family’s favorite desserts to make this year in my crockpot in order to free up my oven space and stove top for other dishes. Let’s see how we can put my crockpot to work.
    If you make this dessert in the oven, you have to time it just right so that you’re pulling it out only a few minutes before serving. That’s because it’s better served hot with a dollop of vanilla ice cream on top. You can basically use all the ingredients you normally do, but I add a little more butter. You’re going to cook it on low for a couple hours so that’s all the timing required. No last minute switching casseroles around so you can get this dessert done at the perfect time.
    My recipe is sort of a variation of both apple crisp and bread pudding, so a crunchy topping is optional. If you like, you can mix together the ingredients for the topping in a saucepan, then top the apple dessert either in the bowls or in the slow cooker just before serving.
    Brownies are always yummy, but this brownie dessert tops them all with the added peanut butter! You begin with a regular brownie mix, but the dessert isn’t cut into squares like normal brownies. You spoon the dessert into bowls instead of cutting them into traditional brownie squares. Serve while hot so that the added ice cream or whipped topping melts a little. Very yummy!
    Top this brownie dessert with some sprinkles of Reese’s Pieces or other candy topping that you like. Cut a peanut butter cup in quarters and garnish with one quarter for each serving. You want to time the cooking and serving of this so that you are ready to scoop up your dessert just minutes after you shut off the heat.
    One of my favorite desserts is cheesecake. It’s fun using what can be considered a mini oven. Basically, you use the same recipe you normally would. The important thing to keep in mind is you’ll be using a 7″ springform pan so you need to make sure it will fit . A 5 or 6 quart size is usually big enough, but measure to be sure. Then, make a simple graham cracker crust with some finely chopped pecans added, form the crust in the bottom and up the sides a little in your pan. Make the filling according to the recipe you normally use, then fill your pan.
    You’ll need to put a small rack in the bottom to hold the springform pan off the bottom. If you don’t have a rack that fits, just pull a good length of aluminum foil off the roll and form a donut shape out of it to support the pan. Put that on the bottom and put your pan in. Just be sure the pan is at least an inch off the bottom. Use enough foil to get a good support. You want to cook your cheesecake on high for several hours, then shut off the heat and let it sit in there for another hour or until it’s cool enough to handle. Then you’ll let it cool completely on a rack on the counter before you remove the pan from the cheesecake.
    You shouldn’t have to spend your holiday shuffling food all over your kitchen. Leave your main dishes alone to cook in peace and quiet and turn to your trusty crockpot for the answer to your food-juggling dilemma.

    Read the rest of the article, comment, share and bookmark.

    Crockpot Cooking Made Simple

    Learn how to re-create your favorite recipes into new crockpot recipes with my Crockpot Cooking Made Simple ebook.
    Click here and buy this guide now to save time and stress in the kitchen and get everything on the table as planned… hot, bubbly, and delicious!

    Crockpot Dessert Recipes
    Please don't forget to "Pin" these articles and posts when you head to the Hillbilly Housewife website to read more. It helps get the word out about the site and the newsletter. Thank you!

    A Little Something Inspirational...



    Final Thought

    That's it from me for this week. I hope you have a wonderful week and are staying warm. It's cooled down considerably around here and we started running the heat. I'm starting to get into the Holiday spirit, checking on decorations and making lists of gifts to buy and make. Tracy and I just released the next edition of the Homemaker's Hutch magazine.  I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think. 
    Is there anything in particular you'd like to see on the site (or the Facebook Group for that matter) that I'm not doing right now?