[HBHW News] Happy Halloween

Published: Wed, 10/29/14


Hello , 
Hi there and welcome to the next edition of the HBHW newsletter. Let me start off by Thanking all of you for the prayers and well wishes last week. I am doing my best to respond to everyone with at least a quick thank you but it's taking a while. My inbox was flooded. I've shared some of them with my sister and she said it was very helpful to hear that we're not the only ones this has happened to and that it gives her hope to hear from quite a few of you that have lost a child so late in pregnancy and went on to have happy healthy babies. 

It was good to take a break and spend some time talking with her, but also snuggling my own baby (who's 11 and almost as tall as me). We did a lot of family stuff and got a chance to hang out with some close friends over the weekend. 

It took me a little while to get back into the swing of things Monday and Tuesday, but it's nice to get back into a routine. 

I also have a few things to share with you today. The first is a cute and funny little Kindle picture book that a close family friend has put together. The book is called "Pooting Pete The Purple Penguin" and available for $1.99 on Amazon. 

It's a funny story that even my 11 year old enjoyed. Please go take a look. I hope it will have you laughing out loud as much as it did for us. It's a quick little read and I'm sure Kells would appreciate some reviews to get the ball rolling. 

Tracy and I have been busy wrapping up the next issue of the Homemaker's Hutch magazine. Working on that is quickly becoming my favorite part of the week. You may remember that we decided to offer it at a super low introductory price of $2.99 a month which ends on Halloween - October 31st. 

Take a minute to subscribe before the price goes up on November 1st. 
That's it from me this week. I have some cleaning, organizing and yard work to do (it's finally cool enough to grow lettuce!!!) before we head out of town for a long weekend. We're driving up to see my in-laws for Halloween (it's also my Mother-in-Law's birthday). I hope you have a good rest of the week and a fun Halloween. 

P.S. Here's a little preview of what the October issue of the Homemaker's Hutch magazine looks like.

Inspirational Quote

"When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween."

~Author Unknown

Featured Recipe of the Week

Candy Corn Pretzel Bites

  • 24 small pretzels
  • 24 Hershey's Chocolate Kisses (unwrapped)
  • 24 pieces of candy corn

This recipe makes 24 pretzel bites

Arrange the pretzels on a non-stick cookie sheet. (For easy cleanup, use some parchment paper). Place a Hershey's kiss in the middle of each pretzel. Put them in 175 F oven for about 2-4 minutes, or until the chocolate has softened, but not fully melted. Remove the cookie sheet from the oven and top with a candy corn and press down. Allow to cool and serve.

A Few Related Recipes 

You're welcome to share the recipe on Pinterest, Facebook etc. I'm also sharing a lot of recipes on the HBHW Facebook page. Click on through to check it out. As always, likes, comments and shares are much appreciated. :)

Candy Corn Pretzel Bites

Kindle News

A close family friend just published this adorable little picture book for Kindle and I just had to share it with you. 

I read it last night with my 11 year old and we giggled the whole way through.

Meet Pooting Pete the Purple Penguin and discover in this humorous tale, how Pete comes to live with Patty and starts to turn purple. 

You and you kids will love this funny story about a smelly little penguin who gets lost. Read on to find out how he gets rescued, why he starts pooting and turning purple and if he makes it back home.

 This would be perfect if you have young children that enjoy a fun little picture book but also great for young readers. 

Order the Book on Amazon

Pooting Pete The Purple Penguin
Homemakers Hutch October Issue


Did you get a chance to check out our new magazine? We're busy wrapping up the November edition and can't wait to share it with you. 

The price will go up at the end of the month! If you subscribe before November 1st, you'll be grandfathered in at the $2.99 a month rate.


It's a digital magazine we are putting together each month full of fun recipes, crafts and helpful tips and ideas. This first issue is packed full of 50 pages of fun stuff. 

Here's what's you'll find in the October issue:


  • Pumpkin Patches, Carving and Painting Pumpkins
  • Fall Favorites - Family, Festivals and Falling Leaves
  • What Apple To Use For What
  • Fall Produce Guide
  • Homemade Halloween Costume Ideas
  • Candy Corn Crafts
  • Easy Kids Crafts For Halloween
  • Fun and Spooky Halloween Recipes
  • Pumpkin Recipes
  • Crockpot Baked Apples
  • What Do I Do With All This Harvest
  • Halloween Cupcakes
  • Smoothie of the Month
  • Sugar Soaks and Honey Lemon Scrubs
  • Homemade All Purpose Cleaner
  • Easing Into The Holiday Season


Ready to give it a try? 

Subscribe to Homemaker's Hutch for $2.99 a month.


Frugal Fun on Facebook

We're having a lot of fun talking about all things frugal and homemaking on Facebook. Join in the discussion at the Hillbilly Housewife Facebook page. Be sure to like the page so you don't miss a thing. Here's just one of this week's topics. 

Halloween Costumes
Frugal Tip

Halloween Planning The Easy Way

Halloween is such a fun holiday in our house.  Part of the reason is it’s so low-stress.  But that doesn't mean we don’t plan at all!

Every year we have to make at least a few decisions:  Do we want to host a party?  Do we want to attend any parties?  Will we all dress up?  Do we make our costumes or buy them?  Do we need or want to change some of the decorations this year?

Even though the stress is lower compared to other holidays, if I don’t go over a few basic details, Halloween could come and go without doing any of the things we like. 

Halloween Planner

My friend Tracy Roberts of MomsInABlog.com has come up with a simple little checklist to help plan and organize the Halloween festivities, no matter how big or small, and she wanted to share it with you.  Just click on the link below and it’s yours.  Enjoy!

If you need a few more ideas, be sure to read my ideas about creating simple costumes, many without sewing a stitch.  Just click on the link below to read my article:

Read the Rest Of Tip (  comment, share, bookmark etc.)

Featured Article of the Week

Homemade Halloween Costumes – Ask Who, When, And How Much Before You Begin

What makes Halloween such a fun holiday?  Is it creating the Jack O’Lanterns, the neighborhood raids for candy, the decorations, the parties, or is it something else?  For many kids and grownups alike, the thing that makes Halloween the most fun is the costumes!
Many folks want to make their own costumes at home in order to create lasting memories with their children.  However, this is not the only reason.  More and more families are trying to watch their budget.  Making their own fun costumes for Halloween is an easy and fun way to save money, as well as making memories.
When you decide to make Halloween costumes at home, you need to ask yourself a few questions, like, will the costume be suitable for my child’s age; will it work for the games planned at the party; how much time do I have to make the costume; and of course, how much money can I spend on a costume. Let’s attempt to answer some of these questions here:
Who? – The appropriateness of a costume for a 10 year old is totally different than for a 2 year old.  Complicated closures and busy embellishments can pose some safety issues for a little one and cause frustration, too.  If the costume is mainly used for Trick-or-Treat night you’ll want something that is warm enough for a cold climate and light colored for safety sake.  Of course there should never be a mask worn by a child who is old enough to walk from door to door, as the child needs to have unrestricted vision to watch out for traffic.

Time? – Say you receive an invitation to a special party weeks in advance of Halloween.  You can go to the fabric store and have fun buying just the right stuff to create great costumes for your family.  That’s definitely family fun!  But, if you find out about a party just days or hours beforehand, can you still have fun creating costumes?  Of course you can.  If you accept your time constraints and get creative, you can still laugh with your family and have a good time making those last-minute costumes.

Money? – Even if you have all the time in the world to create Halloween costumes for your family, it won’t do you any good if you ruin your budget in the process.  Over-spending on costumes will certainly not create a very happy memory.  Instead of robbing your grocery money for the week to pay for your little one’s lavish costume, look for fabulously bejeweled cast-offs either in your closet or at the local thrift store.  That’s what all those old bridesmaids dresses are made for!

Read the rest of the article, comment, share and bookmark.

Halloween Costumes
Please don't forget to "Pin" these articles and posts when you head to the Hillbilly Housewife website to read more. It helps get the word out about the site and the newsletter. Thank you!

A Little Something Inspirational...



Final Thought

That's it from me for this week. It's been nice to take a little time away from HBHW to take care of family, but I'm also enjoying getting back to my desk and working on some new stuff for ya'll... speaking of which, I've been working with Tracy on the next edition of the Homemaker's Hutch magazine.  I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think. 
Is there anything in particular you'd like to see on the site (or the Facebook Group for that matter) that I'm not doing right now?