[HBHW News] Real Food and the Whole 30 Program

Published: Wed, 07/30/14


Hello , 

Hi there and welcome to the next edition of the HBHW newsletter.  After focusing mostly on the people around me last week (my niece was visiting), I've been focusing more on myself this week. 

If you've been reading the newsletter for a while, you know that I've struggled with weight since puberty. After indulging a little too much during the earlier part of the summer, I knew it was time to get healthier and eat better. But as you well know that's easier said than done. 

What I was lacking was a specific plan and some motivation to get it done. Thankfully my friend Tracy from MomsinABlog.com came to my rescue. She mentioned a program called Whole 30 (it's free) and asked if I'd like to join her in eating nothing but healthy, whole foods according to this plan for 30 days. 

I read the information on the website and we both decided to start this past Monday. I also spend the weekend reading the "It Starts With Food" book which goes into the why's and the science behind the Whole 30 program. It's a great read and I found it helpful to know why I'm eating this way, but it isn't necessary to buy the book to do the program. 

I'm looking forward to seeing how this affects me and my body. Even more interesting will be how I react to things like dairy and grains once I reintroduce them after the 30 day program. 

Since I've been playing around with the food and the ideas behind this, I'm sharing some Whole 30 recipes and tips with you this week. I also linked to the post I wrote that goes into a little more detail on what Whole 30 is and why I decided to give it a try. 

Tracy and I would love to have you join us. Read up on it and if it sounds like the right fit for you, start whenever you're ready. 

Inspirational Quote

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"  


Featured Recipe of the Week

Zucchini Noodles With A Simple Meat Sauce


  • 2 to 3 medium zucchini
  • 2 to 3 medium squash
  • 1/2 lb to 1 lb of lean ground beef
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 can of diced tomatoes (for more sauce, use a large can)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • italian seasoning to taste


Use a vegetable peeler to peel around the veggies until you reach the seedy core. Set the vegetable "noodles" aside while you make the sauce.

Brown the ground beef with salt, pepper and onion.

Chop the garlic finely or use a garlic press and add to the meat mixture. Continue cooking until the garlic becomes fragrant (about 2 minutes).

Add the diced tomatoes and season to taste.

Allow the sauce to simmer while you prepare the vegetable noodles.

Get out a non-stick skilled and heat it over medium to medium high heat. Add the vegetable shavings (no oil or seasonings) and move them around while they cook. Once they become floppy like noodles and are done to your taste, move them to plates and top with the finished sauce.

Serves 4

A Few Related Recipes 

You're welcome to share the recipe on Pinterest, Facebook etc. I'm also sharing a lot of recipes on the HBHW Facebook page. Click on through to check it out. As always, likes, comments and shares are much appreciated. :)

Zucchini Noodles With Homemade Sauce

Kindle News

Low Carb Recipes - The Frugal Low Carb Cookbook

Mention the word "diet" to a dozen people and you will get a dozen very different reactions and stories, good and bad, on everything from super-foods to starvation.

The popular, and successful, Low Carb Diet is no exception. Even in this one diet, there are many differing opinions. Just about everything is up for debate; good carbs vs bad carbs, good fat vs bad fat, etc. etc.

What can we believe? After all, diets come and go. Is this another fad? The truth is, fad diets disappear for a reason - they don't work. Well, this is no fad... the Low Carb Diet works! The proof is in the research, and the results. 

In this book, I offer a simple guide to understanding the basics of the low carb diet, why it works, and how this diet can easily become a part of even the most frugal household.

Order the Book on Amazon

Low Carb Recipes
It Starts With Food

It Starts With Food

"It Starts With Food" outlines a clear, balanced, sustainable plan to change the way you eat forever--and transform your life in profound and unexpected ways. Your success story begins with the Whole30, Dallas and Melissa Hartwig's powerful 30-day nutritional reset. 

Since 2009, their underground Whole30 program has quietly led tens of thousands of people to weight loss, enhanced quality of life, and a healthier relationship with food--accompanied by stunning improvements in sleep, energy levels, mood, and self-esteem. More significant, many people have reported the "magical" elimination of a variety of symptoms, diseases, and conditions in just 30 days. 

Now, Dallas and Melissa detail not just the "how" of the Whole30, but also the "why," summarizing the science in a simple, accessible manner. "It Starts With Food" reveals how specific foods may be having negative effects on how you look, feel, and live--in ways that you'd never associate with your diet. More important, they outline their lifelong strategy for eating Good Food in one clear and detailed action plan designed to help you create a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract, calm systemic inflammation, and put an end to unhealthy cravings, habits, and relationships with food. 

Order "It Starts With Food" from Amazon

Frugal Fun on Facebook

We're having a lot of fun talking about all things frugal and homemaking on Facebook. Join in the discussion at the Hillbilly Housewife Facebook page. Be sure to like the page so you don't miss a thing. Here's just one of this week's topics. 

Less Food Waste
Frugal Tip

Removing Stuck-On Egg - Frugal Tip

I had fun making the egg muffin cups I shared earlier today. By far the hardest part was cleaning the muffin tin after. To be honest, it was mostly my own fault. I didn't get it cleaned up right away. Instead I let the pan sit on the counter until the egg residue was well caked on. I soaked it and started scrubbing with little luck.

How To Clean Cooked-On Egg

I remembered an old trick my grandmother shared with me. She would make an egg based casserole and if the dish was too hard to clean, she'd soak it in some hot water with a good splash of white vinegar. I gave it a try and the rest of the cleanup was a breeze. It lifted the egg residue right off.

Read the Rest Of Tip (  comment, share, bookmark etc.)
Featured Article of the Week

Starting Whole 30 - Wanna Join Us?

I had such high hopes  in January that this would be the year when I finally get healthy and lose a bunch of weight. Fast forward a few short weeks and I was back on my old unhealthy eating schedule. I was too busy, eating healthy was too expensive, the list of excuses could go on and on...

I've tried a few different things here and there and did my best to eat healthier in general (except for my trip to Germany... all bets where off there), but the scale wouldn't budge by more than a couple of pounds and I wouldn't stick to anything serious for more than a few days.

I was complaining about all this to my friend Tracy from MomsinaBlog.com. She mentioned she'd been thinking about doing Whole30. I spend some time Saturday reading through the website and ended up getting the "It Starts With Food" book on my kindle. I spend most of Saturday evening and yesterday morning reading it cover to cover. It make a lot of sense.

Tracy and I decided to start the Whole 30 Program together today and we'd love to have you join us. Don't feel like you need to jump in today. Do your research, get the real foods to get started and jump in in a day or two.

Here are the basic rules:

Eat Real Food 

  • Eggs
  • Meat and Seafood
  • Lots of fresh Veggies
  • A Little Fruit
  • Good Fats (Avocado, olive and coconut oil, nuts and seeds)

Don't Eat

  • Sugar and Sugar Substitutes (including honey, agave nectar, stevia etc.)
  • Alcohol
  • Grains (including quinoa)
  • Legumes
  • Dairy (except clarified butter or ghee)
  • Don't recreate "junk food"

That's it... it's also recommended that you try to have 3 large meals a day and do your best to eat breakfast within an hour of waking. I've been playing around with the food and eating this way over the weekend and am still struggling a bit eating so early in the morning.

Read the rest of the article, comment, share and bookmark.

We're Doing the Whole 30
Please don't forget to "Pin" these articles and posts when you head to the Hillbilly Housewife website to read more. It helps get the word out about the site and the newsletter. Thank you!

A Little Something Inspirational...

Enjoy The Little Things

Final Thought

That's it from me for this week. I hope you have a wonderful a week and are enjoying your summer. We're getting back into a summer-time routine here at home and are spending quite a bit of time in the garden. We're drowning in tomatoes and are enjoying plenty of tomato salads, salsa and more.