This is the first post in a 7 Day series on getting more organized. They come from the ebook "30 Days to an Organized Home" and Tracy Roberts (the
author) is kindly letting me share them with you this week. I hope you enjoy them and put them to good use. Please consider getting the entire ebookhere.
Today's task is to tackle "the spot". You know the one. It's the spot where you dump everything when you come home from work.
For some, it's that little counter to the side of the fridge. For others, it's the table in the foyer. It doesn't matter where it is for you. Just get an empty box and dump everything in it.
Wipe "the spot" so that it's nice and clean. Admire it for a moment.
Ok, now, it's time to get to work. Set yourself up at the dining room table or your kitchen island.
Now, we're going to sort through the box.
Make piles for mail, bills, books, things that need to go in other rooms etc. Throw out anything that you don't need. Once it's sorted, put each stack in its place.
This really shouldn't take too long; it only seems overwhelming. Trust me.
That's it. You did it!
Pat yourself on the back. Better yet, write yourself a note and stick it on the fridge. Remind yourself that you can and will get organized!