[HBHW] In Case Of Emergency …

Published: Tue, 05/14/13

Hello ,
When Disaster Strikes Will You Be Prepared?
We see it in the news every day and some of us even weather violent storms often enough to know that we might lose power for a bit but are you really prepared in the event that a real emergency or disaster happens that affects YOUR family?

We often sit back and watch the stories on the news and pray for the poor people going through the situation but we don't really think that anything that drastic could ever really happen to "us".

But the truth is, anything could happen at any time that would cause us to be in a state of emergency where we need to have supplies on hand for a period of time (sometimes weeks) before help can arrive to clear roads, restore power or even rescue injured people.


In just the past few years, I can recall several storms here in the US - not to mention awful events worldwide that have impacted us.

I personally know people that have lived through Hurricanes Andrew, Katrina & Charlie as well as the "Super Storm" known as Sandy.

Heaven forbid that you are personally involved in a natural disaster that changes your world let alone any sort of scenario that involves invasion and/or war but I want you to be prepared.  That's why I've put together "In Case of Emergency: Preparing Your Family For Survival During a Disaster".

Susanne - The Hillbilly Housewife

P.S. Don't wait until the next storm hits or you're suffering the first rolling blackouts of the summer. Get this ebook today and be ready!