[HBHW News] Easy Healthy Eating and My First Kindle Ebook

Published: Wed, 09/05/12

Hello ,
Thank you for making the launch of the first HBHW ebook such a huge success. I get goosebumps everytime I read through the wonderful reviews. I'm glad "Homemade Jelly and Jam Recipes" was so well received. I'm working on the next ebook as well as an improved second edition to the Jelly book with more recipes and a bonus download of recipe cards for every single jelly and jam in the book. Not being able to print recipes was the one thing I've heard that readers didn't like about the kindle version.
You can order the Kindle book for $2.99 and get the updated version as soon as it comes out. 
In this week's featured article, I share my ideas and recipes for one of the best foods to keep in the refrigerator at all times, especially when you're trying to eat healthier on a busy schedule. The featured recipe is for a healthy broccoli salad that's quickly becoming a favorite at our house.

Speaking of eating healthier, my friend Tracy from Moms In A Blog released her latest ebook filled with healthy recipes. She called it "Darn Good, Dang Tasty". I love her quirky humor and her delicious recipes. Take a look at http://www.hillbillyhousewife.com/tasty

This week's quote is a reminder that our mind and body are One, and we need to treat both well. The story is a familiar 'recipe' that illustrates how when we work together, we all eat well. Please take a moment to read and enjoy.
Here's today's edition of the newsletter:
I had a lot of fun putting this together for you and I hope you enjoy it as well. Please take a moment to look through the "I'm Looking for " requests and help a reader out with a recipe if you can. Of course you are always welcome to also share a frugal recipe or tip.  
Warm Regards,
Susanne - The Hillbilly Housewife
P.S.There's still time to grab the first HBHW Kindle ebook on making jelly and jam

The good news is that you don't even need a kindle to read it. There are plenty of free apps for all sorts of devices and you can read the ebook right on your computer.