[HBHW] Ice Cream Reminder

Published: Fri, 07/15/11

Hello ,
Happy Friday! 
We're about to head out to do a little exploring down at the beach, but before we go, I quickly wanted to remind you about the new ice cream ebook. The price for the ebook went up by 50 cents this morning, but it's still a steal at $3.50. 
Quite a few HBHW readers already grabbed "Homemade Ice Cream And Frozen Treats" and I'm so glad you're linking it as much as I do. 
Here's one of quite a few email comments I was reading through this morning 
I just downloaded your ice cream recipes.  What a treasure!  And what a bargain, as well.  Thank you so much for putting this together.

Ready to give it a try? Here's what I whipped up this morning... it's chilling in my freezer right now and will be ready for us to eat when we get back in this afternoon. 

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream


  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 4 cups heavy cream
  • 2 cups light cream
  • 1 cup chocolate chip cookie dough

Put milk into heavy saucepan over medium heat and heat until milk steams and bubbles form around edge; remove from heat.

Add the sugar and salt to the milk and whisk until dissolved.

Stir in vanilla, heavy cream, and light cream; cover saucepan and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Pour cooled mixture into ice cream maker and process according to machine's instructions.

Once ice cream is done, dump into a large bowl and stir in the chocolate chip cookie dough by breaking the dough up into tiny chunks and dropping in the ice cream, mixing in until distributed throughout the ice cream.

When mixed in well, scoop ice cream into a freezer container, cover, and put in freezer to harden completely and 'ripen' for about 4 hours.

Ready to grab your copy? You can get Homemade Ice Cream and Frozen Treats for $3.50 today (tomorrow the price will go up by another 50 cents).
Susanne - The Hillbilly Housewife